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Persian Gulf Historical Map's


PERSIAN GULF in the map of Iran ,French text, from “Vivien de Saint-Martin   &  Schrader’s Atlas Universal de Geographie” , published by Hachette , Paris , 1919-22



SINUS PERSICUS in the Ptolemy’s map of Arabia Felix , from “History of Arabs” by Philip K.Hitti , English text , 9 th ed .Published by MacMillan Book Co.New York ,1967.


“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) in an Arabic map of Babel , Iraq , Khuzestan , made in 9 th Century , from “The History of Humanity” , Russian text, Printed in St.Petersburg , 1898



PERSIAN SEA in the map of Iraq and Khuzestan , from “Al Masalek , val Mamalek” , by “Abolhasan Ebrahim-e-Estakhri” , 950 A.D. , translated into Farsi , edited by Iraj Afshar , published by B.T.N.K. , Tehran , 1961



“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) , in the map of Send  &  Mokran Provinces , Arabic text, 9 th Century ,from “National Geographic Magazine” , No . 1 , Vol .129 , January , 1966.

Original in the “Sheikh Haqmud” Library, Mecca.



PERSIAN SEA in the map of Pars Province , Persian text, from Farsi translation of “Al Masalek val Mamalek” , by Estakhri , edited by Iraj Afshar , published by B.T.N.K.Tehran ,1961



PERSIAN SEA in the map of Iraq  &  Khuzestan , Arabic text, from “Classical Islam , a  History 600-1258” ,translated by Katherine Watson , published by George Allen  7  Unwin Ltd .London ,1958.



Map of Persian Sea “Bahr-e-Fars” , in  “Sourat-ol-Arz” , by “Ebne Howqal” , in Arabic text, translated into Farsi by Ja’afer  Shoar  ,published by , Iran Cultural Fondation , Tehran .



 Map of Persian Sea , Arabic text, from “Configuration  de laTerre “  (Sourat-ol-Arz) translated into French by J.H.Kramers and G.Weit,published by Editions G.P.Maisonneuve  &  Larose , Paris , 1964



Outline map of Persian Sea ,from “Configuration de la Terre” , Translated into French by J.H.  Kramers , and G.Weit published by Edition G.P. Maisonneuve and Larose , Paris , 1964.

Map of “Bahr-e-Fars” (Persian Sea) in Farsi Translation of “Al Masalek val Mamalek” , Estakhri , edited by Iraj Afshar , published by B.T.N.K. , Tehran , 1961.



Map of “Gomron” and Hormoz Strait ,  &  “Golphe Persique” , from “Voyage en Perse” , by J.B.Tavernier , 1668 , Persian translation bu”Abu-Torab-e-Nuri” (Nazm-od-Dowle) , published by “Ta ‘ aeed Bookshop” , Isfahan , 1958



SINUS PERSICUS in the Tabula VI of Sebastian Munster,s Arabia Felix From “   A   history of cartography  “ by R.V.  Tooley Published by Thames  & Hudson London  -  1969



Pictorial map of Gombroon , Persian Gulf  , and Hormoz Strait , in Tavernier’s   “Persian Travels” ,1680 A.D. , from  “The Famous Cities of Iran” by Laurence Lockhart , published by Walter Pearce and Co . Brentford , Middlesex , 1939



SINUS PERSICUS in the map of  “Kanaan , the Earth’s Paradise” and Arabian Felix , Hebrew and Latin text, drawn in 1678 , from “the History of Humanity” , Russian text , St.petersburg , 1896



a  .  Map of Sinus Persicus , by Claudius Ptolemy , reproduced  in 1482 A.D.

b  . Map of Sinus Persicus , by C.Niebuhr, 1792 A.D.  From  “The Kuwait Urbanization” ,  by Eng . Dr.  Saba George Shibes , published by Kuwait Government Printing Press.



Map of  “Perzische Golf” in 17 th Century  A.D. , from “Spiegel Histoiael  Maandblad” , Dutch text ,printed in Amsterdam , September 1967



A  picture of Hormoz Island  ( in Persian Gulf) ,from  “Children and Youth ‘ s Encyclopedia” , Russian  text ,printed in Moscow ,  1968.



 A  picture of Hormoz City , from  “Persian Gulf” , by Lt.  Sir Arnold  T.  Wilson , translated into Persian by M.  Saidi , first



An old map of Kharg Island in Persian Gulf from “Spiegel Hostoriael Maandblad ,published by Woorgeschiedenise en Archeologie , Amsterdam , September 1967



A picture of Hormoz Island in Persian Gulf , from “Histoir Mondial des Explorations , L’Homme et La Decouverte de la Terre” , by Frank Debenham , published by Librairie Hachette , Paris , printed in Holland , 1964



An old picture of Hormoz Island in Persian Gulf ,from “General History of The World” , published by The Academy of Sciences of The  U.S.S.R. , Moscow , 1965



North Bahrain in 1635 , a Portuguese book on India , (Photo : Courtesy of Royal Egyptian  Geographical Society) , from “Welcome to Bahrain” , by James H.D.  Belgrave , Third edition ,printed in London 1957



Map of Persian Gulf  (Golfe Persique) , French text,  in  J.B.d ‘ Anville’s Atlas , Paris 1790 , from “Die Erforschung Persiens” ,  by Alfons Gabriel , published by Verlag Adolf Holzhausens N.F.G. , Wien  , 1952.



Bandar-Abbas  , a view of “Gammeron or the Citie Bandar Abbassie” , reproduced from  “The Voyages and Travels of John Struys” , 1684



PERSIAN GULF in the “map of Ancient Sites of Iraq”  and  “Map Showing Suggeted Course of Two Rivers in Early Times”  (Persian Gulf in 3100  B.C. )  from “Map of Iraq” , Published by Government of Iraq , Baghdad , 1929



PERSIAN GULF and Arabian Gulf (Red Sea) in the map of Arab Countries , from  “History of Islamic Civilization” , by Georgi Zaidan , Turkish translation by Ahmad Jovdat and Zaki Moghamer , published by Saadat Printing House , Istanbul , 1328 Hijri .



“AL-KHALIJ-AL-FARSI” (Persian Gulf) in the map of Islamic Boundaries in the Time of Second Caliphate “Omar –ebne- Khattab” , from  “the Life of Farouq-e-A’azam” ,by Hosein  Haikal , Persian translation by  “Fazle-men-Allah  Fazli” ,published by Book Printing Kabul , 1968



“AL-KHALIJ-AL-FARSI” (Persian Gulf) in the map of Iran  &  Arabian Felix , Arabic text  from  “A Guide to History  &  Geography of Elementary Schools” , Published by “Maktab-ol-Asria , At-Tabaa’-val –Nashr” , Saida , Beiruth ,1960



“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) and  “Khalij-al-Arab” , (Red Sea)  in the map of Lands of Arabs ,from “Historical Maps” , by Ahmad Saleh , Teacher of  “Naseriyeh”Teachers ‘ School ,Published by  “Ma ‘ aref” Printing  House , Cairo ,1914

“AL-KHALIJ-AL-FARSI” (Persian Gulf) in the map of Iraq  , Arabic text , from  “Third Week of Rehabilitation” , published by Ministry of  Rehabilitation , Government  of Iraq ,Baghdad ,1958



PERSIAN GULF in the map of Saudi Arabia , English text, from “Report of Operation to the Saudi Arabian Government” annual published by Arabian –American  Oil Company ,1956



“AL-KHALIJ-AL-FARSI” (Persian Gulf) in the political map of Iraq ,from  “Al-Monjed” , (A  Dictionary of Arab Words )  ,15 th edition , Catholic Printing House , Beirouth ,1965



Guide map of Bahrain Island in Persian Gulf , English text, from  “Wel come to Bahrain “ by James  H.D.Belgrave , Second edition , printed in London , 1955



The following maps were obtained after the main volume was already printed . In view of the importance of the maps they are being appended here under

“SINUS PERSICUS” in the World map of Posidonius , 130-50  B.C. , Latin text , from  “History of Cartography”,by   R.V.Tooley , published by Thames  &  Hudson , London , 1969



“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) , in the map of Iraq , Arabic text, from “Sovarel-Aqalim-as-Sabaa” , by “Abi-Zaid-Balkhi” , in  10 th Century ,from “Alvai”  a magazine ,printed in Cairo .



“DARYAYE-FARS” (Persian Sea) in the map of Moselem ‘ s Lands ,from  “Islam and her Civilization” , by Andre Miquel ,published by Armand Colin . This map is copied from the World map of  “Shamsed-Din  Abu-Abdollah-e-Moqaddassi”  by Serge Bonin (French Cartographer) .Paris  ,1968



“BAHR-E-FARS” (Persian Sea) , in three maps of the World , by : “Abu-Abdollah-Zakariya-Mohammad –ebne-Mahmood-e-Qazvini”  “Abol-Hassan-e-Ebrahim-e-Estakhri’  ,and “Abol-Qassem-ebne-Ahmad-e-Jeyhani”  .From “The Philosophy of Geography” ,Farsi text , by Hassan Shokuee Published by Tabriz University , 1970
